Monday, July 23, 2018

Ayurveda Magicc For Health.

                       Ayurveda Magicc For Health                        

               In todays fast and growing world everyone is working like machine,people don't have time to take care of health.Because of fast moving life and use of chemical based daily products people is risking their health.After facing so much of risk there one come for rescue is only and only unique Ayurveda and it shows its Magic.
           Monsoon is the month of rain,we see water,mud everywhere.Atmosphere is refreshing,beautiful but at the same time its also the season of illness.There are so many illnesses like cold,cough,fever,swelling of feet, rednes in feet.

 Feet are important part of human body.Mostly in monsoon becasue of cool,damp atmosphere and water logged  streets feet and skin problems are there and at that time Ayurveda helps us in preventing and curing of skin problems.

Tips For Foot Care:

  • Wash your feet and clean out all the dirt.
  • Dry feet with cloth.
  • Apply the Ayurvedic oil or cream.

     Apply Neem oil.We can use Neem oil for our fungus infected  feet fingers.
      Neem is having antibacterial properties.Neems anti bacterial and antifungal properties helps in curing  cuts and small wounds.
      Instead of buying ayurvedic oil from market and spend money we can make oil at home for healing fungus infected fingers and small cuts and wounds from ingredients at home.

Ingredients For Making Ayurvedic Oil for Feet:
  • 1.small cup coconut oil.
  • 1.spoon Mustard.
  • 1/2 spoon turmeric.
  • 10-12 leaves of Neem.
Method of Preparation:               

       Neem oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties which helps in curing and healing cuts and fugal infection in finger feets.Turmeric is a natural antiseptic,antibacterial and having antifungal properties accelerate the healing of cut & soothe skin irritation.Coconut oil is having soothing properties.Helps in getting cooling effect .Mustard gives relief from pain.cures ringworm.
       As the ayurvedic oil is homemade it doesn't cost much,we prepare it at home  and selecting ingredients on our own so the quality is the best.
        This homemade oil is multipurpose oil we can use it on fungal infected fingers,on swelling feet,ankle pain,joint pain,knee pain.This oil gives relief from all types of body pain.Also we can use it on gums,teeth pain.
  The most important benefit of neem is its cure the redness and inflammation.It reduced scars on skin and restricts the growth of fungal infection.Thus helps in curing wounds and infection.                   You can take above individual ingredients and coconut oil is base oil and make the ayurvedic oil for treatment of wounds,cuts.
     This magicc oil you can use for treatment of pimples.Reduces scars.Reduces the pain on face because of pimples and make face skin blemishes free.Also it tightens the face by reducing the wrinkles.Thus face become fair.